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Government-Registered Apprenticeship Programs Not Keeping Up With Construction Industry Needs

At current rates of participation and completion, federal and state government-registered apprenticeship programs will fail to meet the construction industry’s short- and long-term skilled workforce needs, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of recently released U.S. Department of Labor data. ABC estimates that the construction industry’s federal and state…
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Treasury’s Rule Implementing IRA Clean Energy Construction Tax Credits Needs Improvement

The U.S. Treasury Department’s Internal Revenue Service today released a proposed rule and FAQs on provisions of the ABC-opposed Inflation Reduction Act, which will affect the developers, contractors and workers that are building clean energy projects eligible for more than $270 billion in federal tax credits. The Treasury’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Increased Credit…
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ABC Opposes New OSHA Proposal To Allow Union Access to Merit Shop Jobsites

Associated Builders and Contractors today announced its opposition to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration announcement of a proposed rule, Worker Walkaround Representative Designation Process. The proposed rule would allow an employee to choose a third-party representative, such as an outside union representative, to accompany an OSHA inspector…
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Opinion: Boys Behaving Badly — How A Feeling Of Superiority Leads To Toxicity In The NJ Construction Industry

I was disappointed to read an opinion column written by Frank Mahoney, Communication Director for the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, spreading mistruths about the Associated Builders and Contractors of New Jersey (ABC-NJ) and the awards we bestow on legislators for representing the NJ construction industry.  Unfortunately, this…
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